Organisme de défense et de gestion Grignan-les-Adhémar
2 rue du Grand Faubourg
26230 Grignan
Content director
Matthieu Rozel
Hosted by
1025, avenue Henri Becquerel 34000 Montpellier RCS Montpellier 447 860 776
Siret : 447 860 776 00031
Data Protection Act
In accordance with the Data Protection Act n° 78-17 of January 6, 1978 pertaining to information technology, databases and privacy, you have the right to access and rectify your personal information processed under the responsibility of the Grignan-les-Adhémar producers’ organisation (ODG). To exercise this right, please contact us at: :
Organisme de défense et de gestion Grignan-les-Adhémar
2 rue du Grand Faubourg
26230 Grignan
Photo credits
ODG Grignan-les-Adhémar, Christophe Grihlé, Richard Sprang, Blaise Adilon, Lionel Pascale, ADT Drôme, IstockPhoto